Saturday, 2 March 2013



Welcome to my blog 'Single to Mauldeth Road'. This blog intends to be a light-hearted view of the goings on of a conductor on the railways in and around Manchester. Some informative, some funny, some just down right stupid.

Its my first blog and I don't really know what to expect. I'm open to suggestion and if anyone wants to see anything specific or ask any questions please feel free to do so.

The title of the blog is a tongue in cheek mention of what I like to call our  'most popular ticket'. Its the cheapest fare from Manchester Piccadilly and we sell loads of them. Primarily because people are trying to dodge the barriers and then hoping they don't bump into the conductor on the train. Our railways lose thousands in revenue every year like this and as nice as it is to get something free in life we'd probably have much better railways, better stations, better trains if people actually paid the correct fare!

The usual rant applies....Anything I say on here is my view. It is not associated or affiliated by any train operating company nor other company for that instance. Its my words, my opinion and no one elses. If anything offends you please let ME know and we can have a chat about how i'm right!! ;-)

Thats all for now

The Guard

1 comment:

  1. Oh, clever, clever name! You are going to make me feel quite guilty every time I show one of your colleagues (or maybe even you :)) my ticket to Mauldeth Road on an afternoonly basis! I shall follow with interest!
